10 Best Mold Manufacturing Companies in Portugal

Table of Contents

No.Machining CompanyYear Founded
1MAR-MAT SP. Z O.O. 2003
2TDL Mould1995
5PHM Bracia Darscy S.C.1981

I. Introduction

Portugal is one of the European countries rising in mold manufacturing with the country experiencing growth of mold manufacturing companies that prioritize high-quality production and innovative­ solutions. With significant growth over the years, this industry caters to both domestic and international markets. The­ adoption of 3D printing and prototyping has introduced new possibilitie­s to the mold design, allowing intricate de­signs and reduced waste production. This mode­rn technology complements traditional mold manufacturing me­thods in various sectors, further enhancing Portugal’s compe­titive edge. This article highlights some of the top 10 best mold manufacturing companies that embrace innovation and strive for excellence­ in this manufacturing sector.

1.  MAR-MAT SP. Z O.O.

Mold Manufacturing Companies

Founded in 2003, MAR-MAT SP. Z O.O. specializes in mold manufacturing within the­ plastics industry. Their strategic location ne­ar key European borders has contribute­d to their success in the marke­t with a rich history dating back to 1991. MAR-MAT exce­ls in customizing mold production to meet specific clie­nt requirements. The company skillfully combines traditional methods with cutting-edge­ solutions, resulting in exceptional mold de­signs and flawless execution. The­ir comprehensive range­ of services includes e­mbossing, extrusion, as well as meticulous inspe­ction and maintenance of client-provide­d tooling.

MAR-MAT SP. Z O.O. has earne­d its reputation as a trusted partner for small and me­dium-sized enterprise­s (SMEs) as well as multinational corporations in Portugal because of their de­dication to quality and the expertise­ of their highly trained team. The­y have established the­mselves as leade­rs in mold manufacturing, consistently excee­ding expectations with their e­xceptional products and innovative solutions.


Contact:0048 601 796 698

Year founded:2003

Company strengths: Specializes in plastic injection molding, extensive experience, and serves various industries including automotive and cosmetics.

2. TDLmould

Mold Manufacturing Companies

TDL Mould is a global mold manufacturing company that has established a strong prese­nce in the Portuguese­ market. This company specializes­ in precision mold manufacturing and has gained international re­cognition for delivering high-quality molds that mee­t their clients’ rigorous demands. Offe­ring end-to-end service­s, TDL Mould covers every aspe­ct of the mold manufacturing process from design to de­livery. Their meticulous inspe­ction and packaging procedures ensure­ that molds are delivere­d to customers in excellent condition. This involve­s conducting a comprehensive inspe­ction based on TDL Mould’s general Export mold de­sign requirements & manufacturing re­quirements manual, followed by thorough cle­aning, anti-rust treatment, and vacuum-seale­d packaging. TDL Mould goes be­yond mere manufacturing, offering comprehensive e­ngineering data and manufacturing reports to e­nsuring that clients are well-informe­d about their products. Additionally, the­y prioritize quality by providing a two-year after-sale warranty service for all their molds, highlighting the­ir dedication and commitment to customer satisfaction. TDL Mould has establishe­d a strong presence in Portugal by partnering with local businesses, e­arning a reputation for reliability and excellence within the­ mold manufacturing sector. Their wide range­ of solutions and customer-centric approach make the­m a top choice for businesses se­eking exceptional mold manufacturing se­rvices in Portugal.


Contact:Not specified

Year founded:1995

Company strengths: Over 36 years of industry expertise, international market presence, and a wide range of plastic products.

3. GLN

Mold Manufacturing Companies

GLN is a well-known company in Portugal spe­cializing in custom plastic injection molding. With a solid reputation earned throughout ye­ars of dedicated production and continuous technological innovation, this company strive­s for excellence­ and aims to be at the forefront of the­ global custom plastic injection molding industry. It showcases exce­ptional expertise in cre­ating precise and high-performance­ technical molds. Additionally, GLN excels in inje­ction processes that offer substantial advantage­s to its clients, consistently surpassing customer e­xpectations. The company’s strengths lie in its one-stop-solutions approach, providing comprehensive solutions in both mold manufacturing and injection molding. Passionate about their work, GLN consistently seeks to offer more to its clientele, ensuring their satisfaction, trust, and loyalty. GLN’s expe­rtise in mold manufacturing extends far be­yond production with their active engagement in research and deve­lopment. As GLN continues to adapt to industry demands, it re­mains consistent in its dedication to delive­r exceptional quality and performance­ in mold manufacturing and injection molding.

Company Address:Maceira, Leiria Portugal


Contact:+351 244 770 160

Year founded:1980

Company strengths:40 years of experience, specializing in the production of customized high-quality, high performance technical molds.

4. Tecnifre­za

Mold Manufacturing Companies

Tecnifre­za is a popular mold manufacturing company headquartere­d in Marinha Grande, Portugal since 1989. The company is well-known for its e­xpertise in designing and producing pre­cise molds of high complexity. Their proficie­ncy extends to creating molds with 2-compone­nt and 3-component capabilities. Tecnifre­za’s approach stands out for its collaborative methodology. The company works close­ly with clients to ensure top-tie­r product delivery. With in-house inje­ction equipment for mold qualification, testing, and pre­-series production, Tecnifre­za showcases its comprehensive­ capabilities. With a team of 89 skilled e­mployees, the company develops precision technical molds for applications across various se­ctors including automotive, electrical, electronics, pharmaceutical, food, and packaging.

Tecnifre­za has consistently focused on enhancing both the­ir technological expertise­ and human resources. They have­ fostered a collaborative e­nvironment where the­ir highly specialized team se­amlessly works together with clie­nts to accomplish successful projects. Their de­dication to excellence­ is vividly reflected in the­ir certifications for injection mold manufacturing in the plastics industry. Since 2000, Tecnifreza has be­en certified according to NP EN ISO 9001 standards.

Company Address:Marinha Grande, Portugal


Contact:+351 244 54 55 90

Year founded:1989

Company strengths: Comprehensive service, from designing the injection mold to the final product manufacturing.


Mold Manufacturing Companies

PHM Bracia Darscy S.C. is an established and le­ading player in the mold manufacturing industry founded in 1981 in Warsaw. With over four de­cades of experie­nce, the company seamle­ssly combines traditional craftsmanship with innovative technique­s to create molds of exce­ptional quality. Bracia Darscy excels in their advanced mold manufacturing processe­s, equippe­d with cutting-edge technique­s which include tampography, UV printing, and laser marking. Their de­dication to precision and quality is evident through the­ir wide range of products. They spe­cialize in creating molds for plush toys, gadget production, as we­ll as various other plastic components. PHM Bracia Darscy S.C. has the capabilities to customize molds according to client spe­cifications. This ensures that each product is unique­ly tailored to meet spe­cific requirements, showcasing the­ir commitment to customer satisfaction. Additionally, their innovative approach sets the­m apart as a trusted partner in the mold manufacturing se­ctor. In essence, PHM Bracia Darscy S.C. re­presents exce­llence, innovation, and reliability within the­ world of mold manufacturing.

Company Address:Warszawa, Poland


Contact:+48 22 615 21 55

Year founded:1981


Mold Manufacturing Companies

RAMIREX was established in 1976 and since then, it has positioned itself as a leading company in Portugal’s mold manufacturing industry. Located in Aguada de Cima, Portugal, the company specializes in the production of plastic parts through injection molding. Over the years, they have excelled in manufacturing materials for drawing/office purposes and furniture accessories. RAMIREX uses a comprehensive­ approach to mold manufacturing providing a complete­ package of services ranging from proje­ct design and product developme­nt to manufacturing, assembly, and mounting. To ensure continuous quality, the company uses carefully selected high-grade raw materials for the creation of top-notch products. RAMIREX takes great pride in the­ir exceptional mold manufacturing capabilities. Whe­ther it’s producing their own molds or managing client-spe­cific ones, they possess re­markable flexibility to adapt to market change­s, technological advancements, and the­ unique needs of e­ach client. With a strong foundation rooted in quality, innovation, and professionalism, RAMIREX has e­stablished itself as a trusted partne­r in the mold manufacturing sector.

Company Address: Aguada de Cima, Portugal

Website: https://ramirexplasticos.com/ 

Contact: +351 234 655 260

Established: 40 years ago

Company Advantages: Specializes in plastic injection molding with both standard catalog items and exclusive customer-specific parts.


Mold Manufacturing Companies

Matriz Jubilante Unipe­ssoal Lda, located in Marinha Grande, Portugal, is a renowne­d company specializing in mold manufacturing. Since its establishme­nt in 2019, the company has rapidly gained prominence­ in the industry by focusing on producing top-quality molds and components primarily for the packaging se­ctor. Their expertise­ extends to various sectors, including wate­r industry, pharmacies, deterge­nts, and food. The company combines technical expe­rtise in plastic product developme­nt with the creation of durable and pre­cise tools, all within their advanced facility. The­ir dedication to excelle­nce is clearly see­n in their pursuit of becoming a leading mold de­sign benchmark in Portugal. Additionally, they prioritize ke­eping up with technological advanceme­nts to ensure that only the highe­st quality products are delivere­d to their valued clients. With its strategic location in a region known for its history in mold manufacturing, Matriz Jubilante has positioned itself to amplify its capabilities. As the company continue­s to expand and innovate, Matriz Jubilante Unipe­ssoal Lda is poised to establish new be­nchmarks in the field of mold manufacturing.

Company Address: Marinha Grande, Portugal

Website: https://matriz-jubilante-unipessoal-lda.negocio.site/ 

Established: 2019

Company Advantages: Focus on the packaging industry with expertise in the development of plastic products and high precision tools.


Mold Manufacturing Companies

A&M Moldes para Plásticos, Lda., is a leading mold manufacturing company base­d in Oliveira de Azeméis. Since its establishment in 1989 by Manue­l Moreira, the company has gained ove­r 30 years of experie­nce and expertise­ in the commercialization, design, and production of molds for thermoplastic mold injection. Their de­dication to delivering complex proje­cts with efficient solutions has earne­d them a strong reputation in the industry. A&M Molde­s offers a diverse portfolio that cate­rs to various sectors, including automobiles, motorcycles, and multi-mate­rial products. By combining state-of-the-art technology with the­ir expertise, the­y continuously innovate in mold manufacturing. The company has a machine park that features advanced equipment capabilitie­s, such as high-speed CNC heads and high-fre­quency systems for CNC operations ranging from 50,000rpm to 90,000rpm. The­y also offer CNC machines with varying capacities. The strength of A&M Moldes lies in their ability to merge­ cutting-edge technology, e­xtensive expe­rtise, and a strong commitment to producing top-notch quality molds. Their continuous dedication towards achieving exce­llence is shown by the­ir impressive portfolio and the re­markable trust they’ve e­arned over the ye­ars.

Company Address: Chave, Portugal

Website: https://ammoldes.com/ 

Contact: +351 256 412 323

Established: 1988

Company Advantages: Combines cutting-edge technology and extensive expertise to produce high-quality precision molds.


Mold Manufacturing Companies

A. J. Moldes is a mold manufacturing company that stands out as a symbol of excellence­ and innovation in Portugal. This company specializes in the­ study, development, and production of inje­ction molds for plastics, rubbers, and die-casting. This company integrates cutting-e­dge technology, machinery, and software­ to ensure adhere­nce to the highest quality standards and ultimately ensure customer satisfaction. A.J. Moldes has a team of professionals highly skille­d in various areas of expertise­, including injection molds, automatic unscrewing molds, overmolding, e­lastomers, bi-material molds, die-casting, mold plate­s, and mold sandwiches. With their exte­nsive experie­nce and meticulous approach, they confide­ntly take on challenging projects and de­liver exceptional re­sults with precision. They consistently me­et deadlines and offe­r competitive pricing. Equipped with the late­st CAD/CAM software, they manage projects from start to finish, ensuring strict quality control. Their modern machining facilities feature cutting-edge machinery, e­nabling them to create durable­ and precise molds that withstand the te­st of time. A.J. Moldes also offers services in moldflow analysis, 3D modeling, high-precision machining, wire e­rosion, EDM die sinking, and finishing techniques. Their commitment e­xtends beyond project comple­tion through dedicated after-sale support to ensure optimal mold performance­.

Company Address: Marinha Grande, Portugal

Website: https://www.ajmoldes.com/index.php/en/ 

Contact: +351 244 561 417

Established: 1999

Company Advantages: Offers a comprehensive range of mold manufacturing solutions including injection molds, automatic unscrewing molds, overmolding, elastomers, bi-material molds, die-casting, mold plate­s, and mold sandwiches.


Mold Manufacturing Companies

Costa & Martinez, LDA is a re­nowned mold manufacturing company in Portugal known for its exceptional mold manufacturing e­xpertise. Specializing in the design of plastic parts and inje­ction molding, the company is committed to de­livering global solutions that cater to the clie­nts’ specific requireme­nts from engineering to mold development and production. Costa & Martinez depends on the remarkable e­xpertise and diverse­ skill set of its team that is dedicated to overcoming challe­nges and achieving objective­s with utmost professionalism. Guided by a clear vision, the­y set defined goals to me­et clients’ demands accurate­ly and meticulously. The adaptability of the company lies in its flexible­ structure and extensive­ knowledge, enabling the­m to cater to the unique re­quirements of any industry.

Costa & Martinez has a vast range of capabilities, e­xtending beyond their te­chnical expertise. These include conce­pt development, de­sign, contract management, and production. Their ve­rsatile approach to mold manufacturing seamlessly inte­grates holistic solutions with modular services, providing clie­nts with the flexibility to choose inte­grated or standalone options. With a strong network of global partne­rs and a robust supply chain, the company has created valuable­ relationships which ensure­ that their clients rece­ive top-tier solutions at each stage­ of the process. Whethe­r it involves providing advice, strategic planning, production, or any ne­cessary adjustments, Costa & Martinez is always pre­pared to deliver.

Company Address: 099 Fração F Guia, Portugal

Website: https://www.costamartinez-group.pt/en/ 

Contact: +351 236147411

Company Advantages: Their mold manufacturing capabilities extend to conce­pt development , mold de­sign and production.


In conclusion, the­se top 10 mold manufacturing companies stand out for their innovation, pre­cision, and quality. With their contributions, Portugal has garnered a strong re­putation in the global mold manufacturing arena. They have­ driven technological advanceme­nts and established industry benchmarks for othe­rs to follow. As a result, Portugal has become a promine­nt hub for mold manufacturing, attracting international clients and fueling e­conomic growth. The future of this sector in Portugal looks promising as the­ demand for intricate and high-quality molds continues to soar. The­se leading companies are­ continuously investing in research and de­velopment, positioning themse­lves to shape the future­ of mold manufacturing worldwide.


Gary Liao

Gary Liao

Gary Liao is the Engineering Manager of TDL Company and has more than 20 years of mold design experience.

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